Christine Lind Cole - Presentations

Conference Presentations: 
2012 SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures:
MS36 Diffusion-Driven Pattern Formation in Biological Model Systems:
The Brownian Ratchet Revisited: Multiple Filamentous Growth (Slides)
Frontiers in Biophysics 2011:
The Brownian Ratchet Revisited: Multiple Filamentous Growth (Poster Presentation)
International Conference on Mathematical Biology and Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology 2009:
A Simple Chemical Kinetic Model for Facilitated Diffusion (Poster Presentation)
Joint Mathematics Meetings 2008:
AMS Special Session on Learning and Math Graduate Students in K - 12 Classroom:
Panel 7: Effects of the University of Washington's GK-12 project on fellows' teaching pedagogy and on elementary school teachers' and students' content knowledge. (Panelist)

Other Research Presentations: 
Mathematical Models for Molecular Motors - The Polymerization Ratchet
Seattle University Mathematics Department Seminar
Thursday November 21, 2013
Mathematical Models for Molecular Motors - The Polymerization Ratchet
Pacific Lutheran University Mathematics Department Seminar
Wednesday December 7, 2011
Mathematical Models for Facilitated Diffusion and the Brownian Ratchet
Ph.D. Dissertation Defense
Wednesday August 31, 2011
Modeling Cooperation Between Molecular Motors - Polymer Growth Against a Force
University of Washington Undergraduate Mathematical Sciences Seminar
Thursday February 16, 2006
Modeling Cooperation Between Molecular Motors - Polymer Growth Against a Force
Ph.D. General Exam Presentation
Thursday February 9, 2006
Polymer Growth Simulations: Assembly Against a Force
University of Washington Undergraduate Mathematical Sciences Seminar
Thursday June 2, 2005

Class Projects: 
AMATH 573 Solitons &Nonlinear Waves Final Project - Nonlinear Optics and the Soliton Laser
AMATH 575 Dynamical Systems Final Project - Bouncing Ball System
AMATH 507 Calculus of Variations Final Project - Brachistochrone Under Air Resistance

Making Presentations: 
I make most of my presentations using beamer, a LaTeX document class.
I highly recommend it for making pdf based presentations that will look good on any computer with a pdf reader!
Picture of Christine Lind Cole